Background Maps
Map Types
FBP Fuel Types

The map of FBP fuel types was derived primarily from forest attribute data (Beaudoin et al 2014) based on satellite imagery acquired by NASA's MODIS (Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer) sensors. Fuel types were assigned based on vegetation type, tree species, crown closure, stand height, and other attributes.
This fuels map gives only a general idea of the fuel types present and is not suitable for operational fire management because of the moderate resolution and limited scope of the input data.
Beaudoin, A.; Bernier, P. Y.; Guindon, L.; Villemaire, P.: Guo, X.J.; Stinson, G.; Bergeron, T.; Magnussen, S.; Hall, R.J. 2014. Mapping attributes of Canada’s forests at moderate resolution through k NN and MODIS imagery. Canadian Journal of Forest Research 44 (5): 521–532.