For NBAC v20240530: - Includes changes from v20240228 and new fire perimeters from Parks Canada For NBAC v20240228: - extended the NBAC time series back to 1972 - added new fire perimeters mapped in northern Canada (see - remapped perimeters derived by the HANDS data source with MAFiMS. - integrated updated fire perimeters from Parks Canada (for years 1972 to 2021) - significant changes to the attribute table: - replaced numeric codes with descriptive text for BASRC, FIREMAPS, FIREMAPM, FIRECAUS - reclassified FIRECAUS into 3 categories (Undetermined, Natural, Human) - renamed date fields to easily distinguish hotspot and agency dates - added a field for prescribed fires (true/false) - added a separate field for national parks (NATPARKS) to query by park August 10, 2021 For NBAC v20210810: - updated Parks Canada data for years 1986 to 2017 using CNFDB v20201005 - applied an adjusted area burned to Agency conventional perimeters for all years in ADH_HA (where ADJ_FLAG = 2) September 21 2020 - updated MAFiMS fire polygons for nfireid's 1448, 1115, 1136 for year 1989 (version 20200921) - corrected YT fire cause for years 1986 to 2003 (version 20200921) July 03, 2020 2018 - AB agency updates ingested (version 20200703) 2015 - Replaced MAFiMS with updated PC agency data in WBNP (nfireid 404,337,262,344,328,322,327,287,302,265,286,240,249,256,250,245,271,273), (version 20200703) 2004 - Corrected SDATE and EDATE hotspot dates (version 20200703) November 29, 2019 1990, 1991, 1995, 1996, 1997, 2000, 2006, 2007 (version 20191129) - C2C fire polygon nfireid 1 in year 1990 replaced with agency polygon - C2C fire polygon nfireid 14 in year 1991 replaced with agency polygon - C2C fire polygon nfireid 1108 in year 1995 replaced with agency polygon - C2C fire polygon nfireid 182 in year 1996 replaced with agency polygon - C2C fire polygon nfireid 462 in year 1997 replaced with agency polygon - Agency fire polygon nfireid 1011 in year 2000 added - C2C fire polygon nfireid 671 in year 2006 replaced with agency polygon - C2C fire polygon nfireid 386 in year 2007 replaced with agency polygon September 19, 2019 1986 - 2018 NBAC (version 20190919) - C2C (BASRC 4) fire polygons added to years 1986 to 2013 - Ruleset 9 (r9) includes best-available polygons from MAFiMS, C2C, Agency, and HANDS - Attribute modifications include: YEAR (new); BASRC (includes value 4); SDATE EDATE AFSDATE AFEDATE and CAPDATE (change datetime to date); POLY_HA (was TOTAREA); ADJ_HA (was UTOTAREA); ADJ_FLAG (was AREAMODT); AGENCY (new); VERSION (was NBACVERS); COMMENTS (was COMM); SALVAGE (removed); PB_HARV (removed); AREAMODA (removed); AREAMODB (removed); AREAMODV (removed); CDATE (removed, contained in version) - NBAC burn polygons subdvided by provincial, territorial, and national parks boundaries - New MAFiMS polygons for years 1986 to 2018 June 26, 2019 2018 NBAC (version 20190626_1020) August 29, 2018 2003 NBAC (version 20180829_1112) - Agency fire polygon nfireid 5 in year 2003 (location NWT) removed. Mapped with MAFiMS nfireid 3 1993 NBAC (version 20180829_1113) - Agency fire polygon nfireid 255 in year 1993 (location Onatrio) changed to nfireid 248 1992 NBAC (version 20180829_1113) - Agency fire polygon nfireid 204 in year 1992 (location Ontario) changed to nfireid 215 1991 NBAC (version 20180829_1113) - Agency fire polygon nfireid 373 in year 1991 (location Ontario) changed to nfireid 383 - MAFiMS fire polygon nfireid 382 in year 1991 removed. Fire burned in 1990. 1990 NBAC (version 20180829_1114) - Agency fire polygon nfireid 321 in year 1990 (location Ontario) changed to nfireid 342 1989 NBAC (version 20180829_1114) - Agency fire polygon nfireid 1058 in year 1989 (location Sask) removed. Mapped with MAFiMS nfireid 917 1987 NBAC (version 20180829_1115) - Agency fire polygon nfireid 378 in year 1987 (location Ontario) changed to nfireid 397 July 24, 2018 2017 NBAC (version 20180725_1603) 2016 NBAC (version 20180725_1602) - Repair Geometry tool applied (reduced burned area by 33 ha from version 20180420_1321) 2015 NBAC (version 20180724_0843) - Removed HANDS fire polygon nfireid 75 (No fire occured at this location) 2012 NBAC (version 20180724_0849) - Added Parks Canada fire polygon nfireid 106 - Replaced HANDS fire polygon nfireid 95 and 100 with Parks Canada fire polygons 2009 NBAC (version 20180724_0854) - Added Parks Canada fire polygon nfireid 36 and 2365 - Replaced HANDS fire polygon nfireid 45 and 46 with Parks Canada fire polygons 2006 NBAC (version 20180724_0857) - Added NWT fire polygon nfireid 64 2005 NBAC (version 20180724_0858) - Added NWT fire polygon nfireid 1094 2004 NBAC (version 20180724_0859) - Added NWT fire polygon nfireid 190 - Replaced HANDS fire polygon nfireid 150, 191, 194, and 171 with NWT fire polygons 1986-2003 NBAC (preliminary version 20180724) - NFDB Provincial and Territorial Government and Parks Canada agency data - HANDS source for 1995-2003 only - MAFiMS source for NWT only, all years April 24, 2018 2016 NBAC (version 20180420_1321) - NFIREID 255 Agency aerial photography delineation replaces MAFiMS January 8, 2018 2012 NBAC updates (new version is 20180103_0935) - Updates to MAFiMS polygon NFIRED's 252, 1067, 256, 260, 253, 258, 304, 317, 332, 345, 340, 367 September 18, 2017 2015 NBAC (version 20170707_1448): - 1 new fire event from HANDS mapped in Newfoundland and Labrador - 16 fire events from MAFiMS remapped in Saskatchewan July 12, 2017 2016 NBAC (version 20170707_1144): - NFIREID 255 was created by integrating aerial photo delineated and MAFiMS polygons over the burned area. This fire event will be updated in NBAC upon receiving a revised burned area polygon from the Gov't of Alberta. December 22, 2016 2004 to 2015 NBAC updates (version 10161128): - Replaced Northwest Territories agency fires with Landsat data sources and the MAFiMS mapping method for years 2004 to 2013. - Ingested all agency fire polygons less than 10 ha for years 2004 to current (see September 9, 2016 below). - Replaced Quebec and Parks Canada agency data with updated fire polygons and attribution for years 2004 to 2014. - Corrections to year of burn in the agency fire attribution where found (4 fire events in 2005 and 2010 from British Columbia, Alberta, Saskatchewan, Quebec). - Removed duplicate polygons from agency data located over the same fire event where found (6 fire events in 2006, 2010, 2013, 2014 from Northwest Territories, British Columbia, Saskatchewan, Manitoba). - Clipped agency polygon boundaries to correct year of burn (14 fire events in 2006, 2008, 2010 to 2015 from Yukon, British Columbia, Alberta, Saskatchewan, Manitoba). September 9, 2016 2015 NBAC (version 20160914_1144): - removed the 10 ha minimum size filter for agency burns December 30, 2015 2014 NBAC updated (version 20151230_1002): - 6 HANDS polygons < 250 ha were added that previously had been missed December 1, 2015 2004 to 2014 NBAC updated (version 20151126): - New Quebec data is added. Upon request, Quebec provided updated shapefiles with more accurate mapping method and data source. Polygons did not change. - Changes to NWT crosswalk to NBAC attributes. Image delineation method was changed from 4 (other) to 2 (sketchmap). - NFIREID 731 for 2013 was replaced with MAFIMS. This fire was previously mapped by Agency (Quebec) in NBAC.